Annual Assembly
Annual Assembly Surpasses Expectations
The 3,200 attendees who descended on Orlando, FL, in March had a magical conference experience. They learned and were inspired in the morning plenary sessions, where Drs. Shantanu Agrawal, Martha Twaddle, and Betty Ferrell discussed the importance of quality patient care, especially as it related to the new National Consensus Project’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care; filmmaker Carolyn Jones talked about the power of courage and human dignity with moving stories, photos, and videos; and the popular State of the Science session presented the latest hospice and palliative care research. Attendees also were able to contribute to the discussion in more than 200 other educational sessions and share their thoughts on Twitter (see all of their tweets using #hpm19). And at the Annual Business Meeting, more than two-thirds of the physician members and emeritus members in attendance voted to approve board-recommended bylaw changes giving all members the right to vote; increasing the size of the board to include two newly created director-at-large positions for two affiliate members; and increasing the size of the Nominating Committee to include one newly created member-at-large position for one affiliate member.