AAHPM Learn is the Academy’s new, easy-to-use online learning platform that allows learners to improve skills, extend professional knowledge and competence, and continue professional development all in one place.
This platform will allow a new learning experience with access to our most popular self-paced courses, assessments, and new, more frequent content. Users will also be able to track their credit activity.
Opportunities in AAHPM Learn
AAHPM Learn brings a more immersive experience to your educational journey. Interactive assessments and videos await you in this new platform, allowing you to learn on your own time and at your own pace. With AAHPM Learn, you can:
- Browse educational content
- Engage in learning activities
- Track completed and incomplete activities
- Earn and track CME and MOC points
Let AAHPM Learn be your home to continue your educational journey.
How to Access Activities
Access your AAHPM Learn educational activities by following these instructions:
- Login to learn.aahpm.org.
- Hover over My Account and select Activities.
- Under the Pending Activities tab, click on the title of the activity.
- Select Take Activity and follow the Activity progress menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Click on the title to access the activity.
All learning activities are available for one year after the date of your purchase.
"Having a go-to place for professional development is key in my busy practice. I know I can trust the curated content of AAHPM Learn to help me sift through the continuing education that is out there. The multimodal format keeps me engaged. And the platform provides flexibility, tracking my progress and allows me to make the most of even a few minutes of learning at a time.” - Michael Barnett, MD MS FACP FAAP FAAHPM