Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
AAHPM is committed to educating and building a community that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. The following resources are intended to provide education and learning opportunities and are not officially endorsed by AAHPM.
If you have questions on AAHPM’s DEI initiatives or resource suggestions, please contact, DEI and Membership Engagement Manager, Linda Sterling at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
AAHPM’s Four Commitments to DEI
- AAHPM creates a welcoming environment in which all members see themselves reflected in the work of the organization and all individuals and communities can join together to support one another.
- AAHPM is committed to building a community and field that is diverse across many dimensions, including but not limited to age, gender, gender identity, ability, education, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion, professional experience, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.
- AAHPM creates spaces for difficult conversations, hearing all voices, and providing leadership where it is needed in our governance, membership, operations, and programs, resulting in the delivery of culturally effective, respectful, and high-quality care to all.
- AAHPM is committed to supporting and sustaining an environment that facilitates and maintains open dialogue, learning, leadership, and growth for all of our members.
2022 DEI Assessment
The Academy's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants, the Exeter Group, conducted a comprehensive organizational assessment from July 2021 through July 2022. The assessment included a DEI survey, stakeholder interviews, focus groups, member data analysis, and a document and learning resources review.
Membership Demographics
Out of the 5,469 members invited, 739 participated in the DEI survey, resulting in a response rate of 13.51%. View the demographics collected from members who completed the assessment survey.
AAHPM Learn DEI Activities
- Actionable Leadership Amidst Social Injustice
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Fellowship Recruitment: Application Evaluation and Interviewing
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Fellowship Recruitment: Candidate Selection
- It's Time for Justice: Racial and Ethnic Equity in Hospice and Palliative Care
- Speaking the Same Language: Bridging Cultural and Linguistic Barriers in Palliative Care
Practical Strategies
- Diversity and Equity 21 Day Challenge - San Francisco Department of Public Health
- Daring Discussions Toolkit - National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Video: 3 Ways to be a Better Ally in the Workplace - TED.com / Melinda Epler
- Guide to Allyship – project by Amelie Lamont
- What Works - Evidence Based Ideas to Increase DEI in the Workplace - University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Diversity in Fellowship Selection Materials - University of California, San Francisco
- Interrupting Microaggressions in Health Care Settings: A Guide for Teaching Medical Students - Association of American Medical Colleges
- Cultural Respect - National Institutes of Health Office of Communications
- Microaggressions and Their Macro Impact on Health Care - AAHPM Winter Quarterly newsletter
- Cultural Awareness in Healthcare: A Checklist - Quality Interactions
Opinions and Perspectives
- 6 Top Trends in DEI for 2022 - Purdue Global University
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion that Matter - New England Journal of Medicine
- Podcast: The Nocturnists: Black Voices in Healthcare - The Nocturnists
- A Guide to Understanding and Avoiding Cultural Appropriation - ThoughtCo.
- Learn Function of Code Switching as a Linguistic Term - ThoughtCo.
- Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch – NPR
- The Origin of the Term Intersectionality - Columbia Journalism Review
Resource Portal
- Health Care for Black Patients with Serious Illness: A Literature Review - CAPC
- Videos: Unconscious Bias Training - University of California, San Francisco
- Addressing Microaggressions in Racially Charged Patient-Provider Interactions: A Pilot Randomized Trial - BMC Medical Education
- Video: Cracking the Codes: A Trip to the Grocery store - Joy DeGruy
- Perceived Microaggressions in Health Care: A Measurement Study - PLOS ONE
- Legislation Affecting LGBT Rights Across the Country - ACLU